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What is The Social Planning Council?


o Monthly Meetings: Attend meetings with guest speakers from within the community &/or presentations at each meeting. We currently meet the fourth Monday of every month (excluding summer) at City Hall with light lunch by donation.

o Facebook & Email Group: Utilize the network on Facebook. Start discussions, learn about & share upcoming community events, projects and meetings. If you don’t use Facebook, then join the email network instead.

o Inform City Council: The SPC provides reports to City Council regularly and the City keeps the SPC informed. Use the network and have your voices heard.

Strategic Direction of the Social Planning Council of Williams Lake & Area:

o Poverty Reduction and the local Living Wage Campaign.

o Community Collaboration and Networking.

o Retention and Succession of residents within the Area.

Community Social Planning:

o Supports communities in building an integrated approach to complex problems that take into account social, economic, and environmental concerns.

o Maximizes the effectiveness of often scarce resources by working to reduce duplication, overlap and competition.

o Provides an ongoing forum for communication, coordination and conflict resolution.

Friday, March 18, 2016

SPC Monthly Meeting Minutes (draft) - Feb 29, 2016

SPC Monthly Meeting Minutes - draft
Feb 29, 2016 - 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Location: City of Williams Lake (Rick Hansen Boardroom)

In attendance (from sign-in sheet): Tanya Kielpinski, Shilo Labelle, Diane Wright, Joanne Meyrick, Leah Selk, Sharon Taylor, Tamara Garrceau, Jan Fichtner, Shannon Thom, Anne Burrill, Susan Means, Bruce Mack and Jessica Knodel

Accept Minutes & Agenda (5 mins)
During lunch we:
·   Review meeting minutes from Jan 25, 2016
Motion to accept minutes as presented - MFSC
·   Review meeting agenda for Feb 29, 2016
Motion to accept agenda as presented - MFSC
·   Revisit action items from last meeting: none outstanding

FETCH website & "GP for Me"
Presentation by Shilo Labelle & Tanya Kielpinski on the new local FETCH website and "GP for ME" 
Project (Laurie Walters sends her regrets). The FETCH Database is to "fetch everything that is 
related to community health". Supported by local physicians, the database is a project 
under the GP for Me Umbrella, to create community linkages. Physicians are not always aware
of the services out in the community so this was initially created for them. There are currently
561 health resources (strictly for health services) for our local area including provincial resources.
The "GP for Me" program itself is wrapping up soon and this includes resources for FETCH. 
The site will be continued to be maintained but not further developed past Mar 31st so if 
there are events to help increase exposure for this local website, please let Shilo know.
Feedback - it is somewhat overwheming due to the amount of information available. 
Recommend using other online methods to increase exposure? Such as facebook, "Ask it" 
platform etc.
Hardcopy posters (and cards) are available for distribution.
Goal - spreading the word this month to promote the website!
Twice a year there will be an email sent out to remind people to review their listing.
Jill Zimmonick is the contact for more info on GP for Me project.

Local Refugee Sponsorship Group Update - Sharon Taylor
Background - Sept 2015 Walk for Harmony (CMHA event). At that time the world refugee crisis situation was highlighted. After this event people came to IMSS looking to sponsor refugees (but had no one in mind - just wanted to help).

So then, a Public meeting took place (35 people interested). Then Federal Elections happened and the Government agreed to sponsor 25K refugees themselves.

There are multiple ways sponsorship works:

1) Private sponsorship - usually family to family (e.g. cousins). This type of sponsorship is personally funded.

2) Public Sponsorship - Government sponsors, and recipients receive same as others on social assistance.

3) Sponsorship Agreement Holders -  A Refugee sponsorship group (typically churches do this) are responsible for 12 months of assistance with a "Blended Visa office program" (which means the Government provides 6/12 months of living expenses; the local group is responsible for the 1st month of living expenses (setup), and then again for living expenses for months 8 through twelve.

Three levels of screening takes place (UN, their previous Government, Canada), and then once again at the local level.

The Williams Lake Refugee Sponsorship group requested a Family of 4 - 6 people (makeup does not matter) nor, does Country of origin (does not have to be from Syria). Spanish speaking refugees would be at an advantage (because locally we have strong Spanish speaking groups here).

A list of potential refugee's is supposed to come out weekly (but are currently delayed), with the local group given the opportunity to accept/choose within 24 hours.

30 families have been welcomed into Prince George (29 public sponsorship, and one private). Tatla Lake & 100 Mile House is also interested in future sponsorship.

In summary - refugees cannot go home. In theory, there could be a family here in Williams Lake within one month after a phone call.

Many years ago there were four Kurd families that came to Williams Lake, but within a year went to Ontario to join family and find jobs.

This has been a great opportunity for Education; Hordes of terrorists will NOT be coming to Williams Lake. City Council has be informed and appears supportive. There has been very little (if any) negative feedback.

Refugees will not be given a free ride, rather, they will be given support to help them support themselves within one year of arriving.

Comment - thank-you to Sharon for taking this on!

March Meeting
Next month's March 21st meeting presenters will be with Margaret Anne Enders and Marilyn Livingston with the Dirty Laundry Campaign of the Racism Awareness Network. This is spring break week so please bring a friend that might not otherwise be able to join us!

Roundtable Updates (those not shared via community updates)
Jessica Knodel - The group of UBC Human Geography students who are working with the Social Planning Council have chosen to focus on creating a pilot car pool project, in conjunction with a group that would like to have one implemented. They are currently seeking a group that wants to work with them, and most recently have been in touch with Dave Preeper from the CDC who looked at implementing something similar years prior.

Diane Wright & Jan Fichtner - The "Let's Talk Mental Health" Program is now being taken over by the CMHA (Margaret Anne Enders). The goal is to make mental heath a more comfortable topic (with a built in presentation and speaking with local businesses). Tolko took advantage of this though their safety program and booked presentations for 7 shifts of workers. The Chamber of Commerce also expressed interest. Contact Bettina at CMHA to book your workplace presentation. Being healthy is not just a physical term, but also refers to mental health. "I wish I had this info when my kids were at home!"

Leah Selk - Successful Community Arts grant applicants will be notified by end of April, Performances in the Park application deadline is this Friday. And if you haven't already, please complete the survey for feedback on the CCACS.

Joanne Meyrick - Early Years Child Centre - website is up and strong. Getting out into the community to train navigators to help people use it. Also, a three year strategic plan is being completed. Children First - continue to work on the local "State of the Child report" that will show what it is like to raise a child in Williams Lake. Planning to present to Key Leaders group of CTC in April.

Sharon Taylor - referrals from the RCMP to the IMSS have been received and this is encouraging as it means people are using the IMSS resources. Increasing calls from a number of people and seniors (including from out west) who must pay the government online with a credit card (and many forms are not available in hardcopy any more). This is making things increasingly difficult and very complicated for people. There is no funding to provide this type of assistance, which needs to be addressed. Comments - is there not one agency who can take this on? Perhaps multiple people can help out? Interim solutions are being sought. Sharon will continue to work on tackling this issue.

Tamara Garrceau - Elders Gathering Committee Meetings (need volunteers for July 11 - 14th event where over five thousand people are coming to Williams Lake. Visit - eldersgathering.ca for more information.

Shannon Thom  - New Targeted Initiative for Older Workers Program (ages 55 - 64, and over 65 if they want to continue working) begins Apr 5 - Jul 8th and provides essential job search skills for people (100 hours of computer skills training).

Anne Burrill - Housing First hosted a successful journey mapping day (three clients shared personal stories) and 35 service providers were in attendance (a report will come out soon). Sam Brad performed the graphic facilitation. Before the end of March there will be another community planning day.

Susan Means (Residential Coordinator for Association for Community Living). If you are interested in having a person come live in your home, please contact them. Glad to be at the table, have wanted to attend for some time now.

Bruce Mack - spoke with City Council regarding the economic value of local not for profits (who combined employ several hundred people within our community) and how it is now time for their voices to be heard as we are all connected. This was readily accepted by all! We are an economic force of our very own, to be included in the whole. It is our responsibility to get this message out. At the board level, we recently discussed a potential survey to demonstrate this fiscally. Something tangible to refer to.

No comments:

Contact Us

The Social Planning Council is made up of volunteers from the community. Many of us work in social services agencies or also volunteer for other organizations.

Our Mailing Address is Box 20045, Williams Lake BC V2G 4R1

To reach the Society Coordinator Jessica Dunn please email spc-coordinator@xplornet.com or call 250-243-2126

To reach the Communities that Care Project Facilitator Barb Jones please email communitiesthatcare.wl@gmail.com or call 250-305-4838

To reach the THRIVE Williams Lake Project Manager Anne Burrill please email annelburrill@gmail.com or call 250-267-7211

To reach the current SPC Chair Larry Stranberg please email happytrails@cfdccariboo.com or call 250-392-3626